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5 Simple Tips to Deal with Workplace Bullying

5 Simple Tips to Deal with Workplace Bullying


Do you feel that you are sharing your workplace with a bully? Have you ever felt intimidated or dreaded to work near one of your colleagues? If yes, then this means that you are one of the millions of employees across the world who have actually been targeted by bullies at the workplace. In fact, organizational bullying is more common than we actually admit it. The workplace bullying occurs when an employee is being treated badly without someone he/she works with. If you think you are also being bullied at your workplace, then there are few of the easy ways which can help you out to nip the evil in the bud.

Below we have listed down five tips which can help you out to stop such behavior at your organization.

Protect Yourself from Bullies

Although most of the bullies are quite weak there can be some which are truly hurting. When you feel that you are in a physical threat, then you should communicate the situation to your supervisor or someone else who is the immediate authority. You should never put yourself in a position that demonstrates that you are alone in front of someone who is actually trying to torment or harm you.

Keep Record of Bullying Incidents

After some time, it might be quite hard to remember when and why you have actually been bullied. But the records are extremely eminent when you want to report the entire incident of bullying. Keep a personal record in order to remember all the specifics and also to prove that you have been mistreated more than once.

Be Assertive

This is one of the ideal tactics to actually prevent yourself from being bullied. Just get into the job with quite a healthy dose of assertiveness. Talk to the bully in an authoritative tone. This will clearly demonstrate the potential bully that you are extremely comfortable with your work and you are not the kind of person who can actually be perceived as someone who is weak and can be targeted. Although there is no full guarantee that after this, they might not target you but it would surely decrease the likelihood.

Address the Issue Straight Away

Well, it is something which would not always be easy but you just have to confront the bully in the face. Fran Hauser, who is an author of the book “The myth of the nice girl”, once suggested that by using phrases like “please do not talk to me this way or let’s take a small break and we will come back to this later”, one can deal with a bully who is treating you inappropriately.

Communicate with the HR

Reach out to the concerned HR and communicate the actual situation. In most of the cases, majority of the organizations have their own anti-bullying policies to protect the workplace culture. The HR will actually do whatever they can to keep a check on the noxious atmosphere at work. Take all your records in order to support the claim.


Over these years, the FocusU team has been assisting organizations to identify and deal with workplace challenges. Our team of facilitators follow a collaborative approach to develop a tailor-made training and development program to meet custom needs. You can visit our website to know more about our high end and customized training solutions or you can reach to us at hello@focusu.com and we would be happy to design a customized training program for your team.

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