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31 Team Activities To Usher In Christmas

31 Team Activities To Usher In Christmas


As the song goes – it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! With the winter chill beginning to set it and December knocking at our doors, the Christmas fever is beginning to catch on. Come December and the air is festive with the spirit of Christmas. Nostalgic childhood memories of Santa Claus, Pine trees, stockings with hidden gifts, mistletoes, the aroma of freshly baked cakes, mugs of hot chocolate and snowflakes prop into the mind. Winter is in full swing, its dark and cold and probably raining too. But the year end festivities are such that everyone, inadvertently ends up losing themselves in the joy and cheer! The perfect time to snuggle up with your favourite people and huddle around the fireplace – it is indeed, the most magical time of the year!

It is also the perfect time to organise a team get together! However, the celebrations have to match the mood, perfectly! After all, Christmas only comes around once every year. It’s time to indulge yourself and your team as you spread joy and laughter around. However, it’s time to step up the game. Your employees are tired of the same old work parties year after year and given the limited budget, staying one step ahead of their expectations can be a major challenge. That’s why we have come up with 31 fun ideas to celebrate Christmas at office. Let us make your celebrations better and help your team have a magical time, together!

1. Jingle Bell Rock!

It’s time to put your best foot forward! Let us help you organise a dance challenge like no other. With a professionally choreographed dance routine and the joy of everyone coming together to ace it to a T, this one will have you feeling the timeless melody of the good ol’ jingle bells, like never before!

Our Happy feet challenge is the perfect way to ring in the year end festivities. Furthermore, You can also perk up a regular old party with a dance instructor. The instructor can come in for an hour, teach everyone some steps, get everyone revved-up and then leave to allow the euphoria to continue. Just remember that this is about having fun and not about crowning the best dancer!

2. Win Big This Christmas Eve!

Inspired by the evergreen ‘Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?’ – our Quizomodo Challenge is here to grant all your Christmas wishes! All you have to do is answer a number of intriguing and brain whacking questions with your team members and et voila! Father Christmas will bestow you with innumerable gifts and fill you up with cheer.

3. The Christmas Lotto Challenge

A rose by any name smells just as sweet! And so is the everlasting game of Tambola, always a great idea. Let us take care of the technicalities while your team tries to beat one another at a game of luck. Wishful thinking might just be a superpower, as you will your desired numbers to appear!

4. Christmas Charades : Can You Hear What’s Not Being Said?

Time to put your acting skills to test! Are you witty enough to get the right message across? Will your team be up for this virtual challenge? Put one of your team members under the ‘spotlight’ and watch the rest of the gang make the most hilarious guesses! You think you can win this seemingly simple challenge? Only one way to find out!

5. Find The ‘Naughty’ One!

Santa is here with his bag full of gifts, but only if your team can manage to complete the ‘Masterpiece’ on time! Oh, and did we mention that there’s an impostor amongst you? Your task just got a little more complicated! Your team needs to finish the masterpiece while trying to find the saboteur hiding in plain sight!

6. Father Christmas & His Board Game

Did you know that everyone’s favourite Santa Claus absolutely loves board games? Long winters on the North Pole make it hard for him to go out and indulge in sports of any kind. And so, Mrs Claus and everyone’s favourite Saint Nick spend a lot of time challenging each other to all kinds of board games. This year, however, he wants you to design a board game for him. Do you think your team can come up with the perfect Christmas gift for our beloved Father Christmas?

7. Hallelujah! Time For Christmas Carols

What’s Christmas without Stevie Wonder’s ‘Christmas Song’ playing in the background as you decorate your home with twinkling lights? Celebrations call for joyful songs, in voices filled with glee! Bring your team to create your own Christmas song. Make melodious magic using easily available everyday things!

You don’t need to be a good singer but rather, it is important to have fun with your entire team as you bid farewell to yet another year.

8. Santa Is Just Sixty Seconds Away!

Even as ‘rational’, ‘grown ups’, the charm of waiting for Santa’’s surprises can be magical!  But, the wait can feel overwhelming, especially if you are as impatient as we are! So, how do we pass the painful seconds before the clock strikes 12 and Father Christmas come sliding down the chimney with his bag full of the most wonderful gifts? How about a bunch of fast paced and exciting group challenges, even as you countdown to sixty?

9. Oh no! The Grinch Is Back!

You have just received a very troubling letter from Mrs Claus! The Grinch has decided to ruin everyone’s Christmas by kidnapping Santa and hiding him away in a prison far, far away! She needs your help in rescuing her sweetheart. Not only will she be heartbroken, should the merry Christmas Eve pass without her darling’s jolly laughter but thousands of children all over the world would be disappointed, too. It simply cannot be allowed!

Time to put on those Sherlock hats and set on a virtual hunt. You will find useful clues along your way – the Grinch, after all, is a true mischief maker! Just remember that time is running out and the kids need you!

10. Sleigh All The Way!

By now we already know that our poor dear Santa misses the fun of participating in outdoor sports. But, what’s worse is that the sketchy reception on the North Pole, where he resides, makes it impossible for him to even watch them on tv!

How about we welcome him with an Olympic Challenge of our own? Participate in a series of fast paced team challenges and make even Saint Nick have a ‘Merry Christmas!’ Let’s Schedule a basketball or cricket match between teams. Bridge the gender gap by getting both the men and the women involved. Have a group of team members act like cheerleaders – funny costumes will only add to the fun!

You can even invite spouses and the kids to join in the fun! Make sure to organise some games for them to further pump up the spirit of the season.

11. Ho! Ho! Ho!

The Santa is here to shake his belly, like a potful of jelly! It is the time to make merry and fill the room with heartfelt laughter. Indulge in a wonderful session of laughter yoga with your team and light up the world with your happiness!

12. Do We Smell Cookies?

Any Christmas celebration remains incomplete without a box of your favourite chocolates – A warm glass of milk and some cookies can melt even the coldest of hearts! How about a friendly team challenge to see who can bake the best Christmas cookies? Or better yet, a whole meal? Not sure how to make this happen virtually? We would be happy to assist.

When done offline, you can help ring in the festive spirit by encouraging your team members to make Christmas cookies at home and bringing them to office. Just make sure there are enough cookies around for everyone and have fun munching at them through the day!

After all, how can who can ever resist the idea of homemade cookies??

13. Santa’s Ride Is Here! 

And you are invited! Hop on to the virtual open sleigh and travel the world as Santa distributes gifts across cities and countries! Don’t worry about the travel restrictions! All you need is a little faith and a whole lot of magic!

14. Paint The Town Red!

Red is the colour of joy, love, laughter, and of Christmas! So, this Christmas we invite you to participate in a team challenge that will have your team painting the whole Excel town red! You will be divided into separate teams and asked to complete a piece of the puzzle using basic Excel skills; only for the pieces to come together to complete the big picture! The moment of eureka is watching your prices fit together and bring something unexpectedly beautiful to life!

15. Spread The Cheer Around!

With small, random acts of kindness, you can help make this Christmas even more special for someone. After all, what better time than Christmas to come together as a team, as a family and, as a community?

You can also choose to do volunteer work together, as a team to help the less fortunate section of your community. This might involve getting together to collect donations, clothes, toys, or other resources. You could also have a team day out at the local old age home.

Gift someone a smile this Christmas and watch your own heart light up with warmth and joy!

16. Ring In Festivities With A Healthy Breakfast

Who says celebrations cannot begin before noon?

Treat your employees to a healthy office breakfast. Surprise them with smoothie bowls or exotic juices. Tie up with a local juice bar to serve some healthy breakfast treats which can prove great for their business as well as reward your employees with some delicious fare to kick start a productive day!

17. Office Decorations

No celebration feel complete without decorations. Transform the work area into a winter wonderland.  Encourage your team to come up with innovative ideas for decorations! From wrapping paper, decorative lights, balloons, employee stockings, confetti, to paper chain garlands and streamers – use everything and anything!

Add a small Christmas tree and spray snow to kick in the festive spirit and encourage team building. Why not organise a Christmas cubicle competition for the best decorated cubicle / work place and hand out prizes for the most creative one?

18. Ugly Sweater day

Get your employees to arrive at office in their ugliest / most festive sweaters or jumpers, a day or two before Christmas. It will be fun and have them laughing and giggling through the day. Cherish the moments and don’t forget to take pictures!  #instagood

19. Secret Santa Gift Exchange

Be a Secret Santa. Get your team members to participate in the Secret Santa gift exchange. All of the participants place their names in a hat and then you take it in turns to pick out your match. You then keep who you got as a secret (hence the game’s name) until you exchange gifts at a set date. To avoid misunderstandings, its always best to decide on a budget before you start.

20. Play Games & Share Drinks

There’s quite nothing like games over shared drinks to bring people closer. Bring out the inner child within and use the limitless energy and enthusiasm to foster an environment to build long lasting team bonds!

In the virtual world, online games like ‘Build a snowman’ and ‘decorate your tree’ can inspire the vibrant creativity in the workplace.

21. Organise A Quiz Contest

Prepare a set of questions relating to Christmas trivia and hold a quiz contest. Hand out fun prizes based on Christmas themes or gift cards or even e-gifts.

22. Talent Show

Give your employees a chance to shine by holding an office talent show. You’ll be surprised at the secret talent your employees keep hidden. Send personalised invitations to the entire team, especially to the known performers to participate in the talent show. Flattery will get the work done!

A showcase where people can display works of art, performance pictures, videos, crafts they’ve made, and much more, could also be arranged for people who feel stressed performing in front of a group of participants. You could also pick a random theme where everyone performing is equally inexperienced with the selected skill. This can help take the pressure off, while enabling shared laughter and unforgettable memories!

23. Time-Off

Everyone is in a holiday mood and wants to spend quality time with their family! Letting them go home a bit earlier, during the last few weeks will help enable an overall festive and cozy vibe. It might seem like a small gesture, but will fill your team with warmth and bring a priceless smile on their faces.

24. Employee Recognition 

What better way to round off the end of the year than rewarding those employees that have worked hard for the company throughout the year? Hand out an award for the ‘employee of the year!

Have different categories of prizes and make custom certificates or trophies, and present them at an awards dinner in grand style. 

25. Organise A Karaoke

Have them bask in the spotlight with Karaoke. Book a local Karaoke bar and make your team butcher the melody! They will thank you for the fun and thoroughly enjoy themselves ( we make no promises for the rest of the crowd, though 

26. DIY Photobooth

Create a backdrop or decorate based on a Christmas theme. Get some props to inspire hilarious poses like novelty hats, fake moustaches, signs and even wigs! Take photos and upload the photos on your organisation’s website and social media handles.

27. Christmas Party

Christmas is about togetherness and joy! Schedule a Christmas lunch or dinner. Everything seems to be more fun when food is around. An all-out Christmas meal can be a great way to build winter morale and relationships between the different departments.

28. Outdoor Movie Night

If the weather is warm, there is quite nothing like settling down on a blanket with your team and watching a classic movie under the stars. Hire a projector and head to the nearest park.  Sports movies, the classics, Christmas based movies or even horror flicks, are all great places to start!

Also, if you want to take this a step ahead, you could also

PS Make sure you don’t forget the popcorn!

29. Rent An Outdoor Location

Off-sites have the advantage of giving your team a break from the routine. Reward your team for their hard work by taking them out of the office and double the advantage by including some brainstorming or team building exercises. They’ll be more relaxed, creative, and more open to inspiration.

You can even plan an international map the city challenge, and add a virtual twist to the fun!

30. Special Mementoes & Gifts

While competitive salaries and flexible job perks can entice employees, it’s the unexpected gestures like mementoes to celebrate milestones or gifts during festive occasions that make the best impact!

So, go ahead and delight your employees with a personalised gift –  succulent plants, gourmet sweets, branded clothing, e-gift cards, vouchers for spas or even their favourite wine. A surprise gift is bound to make your employees feel appreciated and add to their festivities! 

31. A Weekend Getaway

Depending on the camaraderie and inter-personal relations, there is always room for out-of-the-box plans! A weekend getaway, bowling matches, boat parties or even deep sea fishing – the world is truly your oyster! Something as simple as a team barbecue can help strengthen team bonds, while adding to the festive vibes all around!

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