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Engagement Archives - Page 3 of 4 - FocusU

Find your Spike

Do what you love, and you’ll never work another day in your life – Confucius

Think about a time when you did something so passionately that you lost the sense of time while at it. Chances are some of your best work happened at that time. And chances are you came out of that experience being fully satiated!… So much so, that even now when you think about it – you feel good!
The Hungarian psychologist, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi gave a name for this state of utter delight and peak performance. He called it being in a state of “Flow”. A state in which your mind becomes so entirely absorbed in the activity that you “forget yourself” and begin to act effortlessly, with a heightened sense of awareness of the here and now (athletes often describe this as “being in the zone”).

So how does one get into a state of Flow?

The first step in getting into a state of flow is to find your own spike. Spike is where your deepest purpose – your why – meets your passion. Whether they are conscious about it or not – people who find their Spike are always people who love what they are doing, and in doing so feel like their most authentic selves. Wouldn’t it be a shame if we do not help each one of our team members find their own individual Spike in life?

Finding your Spike is a personal expedition. And just like all expeditions, what it calls for is a sense of adventure to venture out, to be open to feedback, to go where the narrow uncertain trails may lead you to and beyond all, to be open to possibilities.

As Anita Roddick, human rights activist, environmental campaigner and founder of The Body Shop, exhorted, “Look for your passion. What makes you excited? What turns you on?” But finding your spike is not just about your passion only. It is about finding answers to a few important questions like:

• What makes you come alive?
• What are your innate strengths?
• Where do you add the greatest value?
• How will you measure your life?

Through an engaging half a day workshop experience woven around the seminal work done by educationists like Sir Ken Robinson and thought leaders like Simon Sinek, FocusU brings to life a workshop experience interspersed with engaging activities & thought experiments that nudge participants towards finding their own Spike in life.

If empowering each one of your team members is a mission with you – FocusU invites you to explore our workshop on Finding your Spike. Contact us today – we will be glad to meet up and discuss the possibilities for your team!

June 8, 2017

Find Your Spike

Each one of us is uniquely gifted – but only a few go on to realise it. What if each one of your team members found their Spike?
May 2, 2017

The Graffiti Wall Challenge

Draw & paint in public, add your creativity & persuasion skills, a dash of colour with loads of patience - and hey, see the transformation!
May 2, 2017

The MusoMagic Challenge

Create a Team Anthem. Choose the words, the tunes and the choreography. Sing it, enact it and make it yours forever!
June 10, 2016

The Happy Feet Challenge

Move out of your inhibitions….. Stop being self-conscious….. Surprise yourself by what you can do…. Yes, you can dance!
December 1, 2015

Team Olympics Challenge

Citius. Altius. Fortius. The motto of the Olympics beckons your team! Prepare your team... Get Set Go...
September 30, 2015

Wheels Of Hope Challenge

A team activity that tugs at your very soul – building wheel chairs for the lesser privileged in society. Great fun & wet eyes assured!
September 30, 2015

Rhythm Challenge

So you think you are music illiterate? Wonderful! … just grab an instrument, take a chair – and start playing. What starts out as chaos – gradually becomes music again!
July 20, 2015

The Velocipede Challenge

Build a Bike…. Nuts and Bolts, Screws & Grease….. a good dollop of team work …. Lo and behold, what you have created is a child’s dream!
July 20, 2015

The Geo-Caching Challenge

A treasure hunt like no other – using competition grade GPS devices & setup in and around the resort, hotel where you have your conference!
July 17, 2015

The Team CSI Challenge

There has been a murder on the premises!.... And your team has been called in to investigate